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- Calendar | Ascension
Church Calendar Be the first to learn about Ascension news and events by subscribing to our Newsletter
- Acolyte Guild | Ascension
Acolyte Guild In contemporary Anglicanism, acolyte is a general term which covers not only servers, torchbearers, and lighters of candles but also crucifers, thurifers, and banner-bearers. It usually takes two years for Acolytes to learn all of their duties for the different Church services. Their jobs include the correct use of candles in the service, carrying the cross, assisting the clergy with the Eucharist and Baptism services, receiving the offering and sending people to the altar for Communion. Occasionally, they assist with wedding and funeral services. Upon completion of two years of faithful and dedicated service, a cross on a ribbon is awarded the Acolyte. For each additional year of service, a small cross is attached to the ribbon of the two-year cross.
- Ascension Choir | Ascension
Ascension Choir The Ascension Choir is a dedicated group of volunteers, joined by four Choral Scholars from the Eastman School of Music. Ascension has a long history of excellent choral music; the choir sings on Sundays at the 10:15 am service from the beginning of September until Pentecost, and currently rehearses on Wednesday s from 7:30 to 9:00 pm. Our Choral Scholars this year are: Maeve Berry Madelin Morales Adam Catangui The mission of the choir is to support and adorn the liturgy at Church of the Ascension through hymnody, Anglican chant, plain chant, and weekly anthems. Towards this goal we sing a wide range of repertoire sourced from the Renaissance to today, and often collaborate with the Ascension Youth Choir to encourage the next generation of musicians. We are always happy to welcome new choir members; please be in touch with Minister of Music Mitchell Miller if you are interested in joining or trying out the choir - all are welcome!
- Bible Study | Ascension
Bible Study Each week you have the opportunity to deepen your relationship with God through our Sabbath-day Bible Study. Bible Study is held in person on Sundays at 9:00 am in our library, accompanied by light refreshments. During this time we explore God's word in fellowship with one another. Through prayer and discussion we nurture our relationships with God and open our hearts to his plan for our lives. For more information call the church office at (585) 458-5423.
- Book of Common Prayer | Ascension
The Book of Common Prayer The Book of Common Prayer El Libro De Oración Común Le Livre De La Prière Commune PDF Download PDF Download PDF Download
- 2022 Service Archive | Ascension
January 2, 202 2 January 23, 2022 January 9, 2022 January 30, 2022 February 6, 2022 February 13, 2022 February 20, 2022 February 27, 2022 March 2, 2022 March 6, 2022 March 20, 2022 March 27, 2022 April 3, 2022 April 10, 2022 April 15, 2022 April 17, 2022 April 24, 2022 May 1, 2022 May 8, 2022 May 15, 2022 May 22, 2022 June 5, 2022 May 29, 2022 June 12, 2022 June 19, 2022 June 26, 2022 July 3, 2022 July 10, 2022 July 17, 2022 July 24, 2022 July 31, 2022 August 14, 2022 August 21, 2022 August 28, 2022 September 18, 202 2 September 25, 2022 October 2, 2022 October 9, 2022 October 16, 2022 November 12, 2022 November 6, 202 2 November 13, 2022 November 20, 2022
- Worship | Ascension
Services Noonday Prayer, Tuesday 12:00 pm Bible Study, Thursday 9:30 am We currently offer Services at 8:00 & 10:15 am We are glad to offer in-person services each Sunday 10:15 am, and 8:00 am. Since March 2020, we have provided Sunday morning live-streamed services on YouTube and Facebook. We also offer a Noonday Prayer service on Tuesdays an 12:00 pm and Bible Study on Thursdays at 9:30 am, both on Zoom. Online Services are premiered Sunday at 10:15 am on both YouTube and Facebook. Passcode: 420173 Music Our services include music lead by Mitchell Miller. Our Choral Scholars allow us to hear hymns in church every week. Church of the Ascension is the home to one of Rochester's best organs--a Skinner organ donated by a parishioner who purchased it from the Rochester Auditorium more than 50 years ago. The organ has more than 3,500 pipes and attracts many talented musicians. Children's Programs Special programs are offered for Children and teens and nursery services are provided for our youngest children. Home Visitation For those who are temporarily or long-term unable to attend in-church services and receive the Holy Eucharist, home visitations can be arranged through the church office (585) 458-5423 Eucharist, Sunday 10:15 am Eucharist, Sunday 10:15 am
- Ushers & Counters | Ascension
Collection Counters & Ushers Collection Counters are responsible for counting and depositing money received as pledges and other donations at all church services. Our team of Ushers always aim to greet members and visitors in a way that makes them feel welcome and included in our church family. If you are a newcomer please ask one of our ushers for one of our "Get Acquainted" information folders.
- Location & Directions | Ascension
Location Church of the Ascension is located at 2 Riverside St., Rochester, NY 14613 in the Maplewood Historic District. It is a short walk from beautiful attractions such as Lower Falls Park, Maplewood Park, and the Maplewood Rose Garden. Driving Ascension is located near the intersection of Lake Avenue and Ridge Road. From downtown Rochester, head north on State Street, continuing to follow it as it becomes Lake Avenue. Turn right into the upper parking lot just past Riverside Street. From the Greece area, follow Ridge Road headed East, turn right at the intersection with Ridge Road and then turn left into the church lot. From Irondequoit, follow Ridge Road headed West, turn left at the intersection with Ridge Road and turn left into the church lot. Bus Ascension is conveniently located along the 22 bus route from downtown, with the most convenient stop being Lake & Riverside. The church is also less than half a mile from the Ridge & Lake stop on the 40 bus. Parking Ascension has two parking lots. The Upper Lot is directly off Lake Avenue, by the ramp/accessible entrance to the Sanctuary and is the most convenient for attending Sunday Services. The Lower Lot is off Riverside St. and is particularly convenient for events in the Great Hall and accessing many of the important ministries in the Church's lower level (church dinners, MEEK, Care Closet, NA/AA etc.).
- Location & Directions | Ascension
Location Church of the Ascension is located at 2 Riverside St., Rochester, NY 14613 in the Maplewood Historic District. It is a short walk from beautiful attractions such as Lower Falls Park, Maplewood Park, and the Maplewood Rose Garden. Please click and follow the "directions" link on the map below for Google Maps directions. Driving Ascension is located near the intersection of Lake Avenue and Ridge Road. From downtown Rochester, head north on State Street, continuing to follow it as it becomes Lake Avenue. Turn right into the upper parking lot just past Riverside Street. From the Greece area, follow Ridge Road headed East, turn right at the intersection with Lake Avenue, drive 2.5 blocks south and then turn left into the church lot. From Irondequoit, follow Route 104 headed West, turn left at the intersection with Lake Avenue, drive 2.5 blocks South and turn left into the church lot. Bus Ascension is conveniently located along the 22 bus route from downtown, with the most convenient stop being Lake & Riverside. The church is also less than half a mile from the Ridge & Lake stop on the 40 bus. Parking Ascension has two parking lots. The Upper Lot is directly off Lake Avenue, by the ramp/accessible entrance to the Sanctuary and is the most convenient for attending Sunday Services. The Lower Lot is off Riverside St. and is particularly convenient for events in the Great Hall and accessing many of the important ministries in the Church's lower level (church dinners, MEEK, Care Closet, NA/AA etc.).
- MEEK | Ascension
MEEK MEEK, the Maplewood Edgerton Emergency Kupboard, serves our regional community at least two days per week, and in keeping with current realities is redefining and restating its mission to meet these changing conditions. Church of the Ascension, in partnership with other faith communities, continues to offer to neighborhood residents food to tide them over as there are, in these days, food emergencies for individuals and families. MEEK has been responsible for distributing more than 800,000 meals to 95,000 people over the last few decades. Additional volunteers are always welcome. Please call (585) 944-3093 for inquiries.
- Leadership (Old) | Ascension
The Rev. Adibhananthar John Rector Nicole Hercules Seminarian Cindy Smith Administrative Assistant Sarah Johnson Music Minister Angel Perez Sexton Vestry Christian Haller, Sr. Warden rin ger2@mac.com Dyson Gay, Jr. Warden dysong y@ao l.com Mary Bickel, Treasurer maryk bic@aol.com Kate Stella-Begy, Clerk of Vestry marykate7687@gmail.com Father Abi John, Chair ascpriest@aol.com D ebbie Copenhagen cupidsal@hotmail.com Bob Crystal crys24634@gmail.com Patricia Frasca thepatriciafr asca@gmail.com Kathy Kohler kkohler1026@gmail.com Ryan McDermott ryan.mcdermott1208@gmail.com Kathy O'Leary kathyjoleary@gmail.com Nancy Turchetti nturchetti@rochester.rr.com Jerry Welcher jswelcher@aol.com Bentley Church Dog