We currently offer Services at 8:00 & 10:15 am
We are glad to offer in-person services each Sunday 10:15 am, and 8:00 am.
Since March 2020, we have provided Sunday morning live-streamed services on YouTube and Facebook. We also offer a Noonday Prayer service on Tuesdays an 12:00 pm and Bible Study on Thursdays at 9:30 am, both on Zoom.
Online Services are premiered Sunday at 10:15 am on both YouTube and Facebook.
Passcode: 420173
Our services include music lead by Mitchell Miller. Our Choral Scholars allow us to hear hymns in church every week. Church of the Ascension is the home to one of Rochester's best organs--a Skinner organ donated by a parishioner who purchased it from the Rochester Auditorium more than 50 years ago. The organ has more than 3,500 pipes and attracts many talented musicians.
Children's Programs
Special programs are offered for Children and teens and nursery services are provided for our youngest children.
Home Visitation
For those who are temporarily or long-term unable to attend in-church services and receive the Holy Eucharist, home visitations can be arranged through the church office (585) 458-5423